School for Scoundrels – Nice Guys Graduate Last

Just spotted a new movie which looks like Wedding Crashers meets Hitch and from the director of Old School, responsible for a number of Frat Pack movies. There does seem to be a trend for Hollywood to make more aggresively guy friendly movies in recent years. This one in particular looks really good and hopefully …


Dating Coach responds to critics in Sunday Times

This is a response I wrote to the Editor of the Metro section of the Sunday Times, in response to readers feedback published here. Being a dating coach is a part-time interest and my primary occupation is online research. My online dating research project has been widely covered since 2004 in various media ranging from …


Sunday Times readers respond to my feature in the Metro

As you may or may not know I was featured in the Sunday Times Metro section (Gauteng only) on 10 September 2008. This interview was done on the previous Thursday and there was a quick photo shoot in Rosebank, Johannesburg. Well I just came back from a week in Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown where I attended a the first …


Day2 Speed Speaking & Blogging Workshops

Today I didn’t participate in the speed speaking sessions. And I sat through Mike Stopforth’s quick demo of the software he uses to make his blogging experience more integrated and easier to manage and publicise. Myself and Emeke Okafor conducted the monetizing blog workshop. I gave and overview of the specifics of Google Adsene, how …