Why Unemployment Must Fall in Eastern Cape?

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My dream is to create 2 million jobs over 20 years. This is the driving force behind the Unemployment Must Fall campaign. For years I’ve helped people by giving them short internships in my company. Some of them like Cheston Pilcher from Uitenhage has gone onto full-time work at Standard Bank in Johannesburg. A student …


VPN Providers

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A VPN is a service that both encrypts your data and hides your IP address by bouncing your network activity through a secure chain to another server miles away. It is used for torrenting, cyber security, privacy, and more. TunnelBearVPN might work for some people, but do some research. VPN provider IP block list My …


Michael Crichton on Unpopular Truths

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Author Michael Crichton discusses his reluctance to accept some of today’s pop science conclusions I share some of his unpopular truths. In high school, my best friend Bradley Minnaar, introduced me to his books: Andromeda Strain and Sphere. Later we read Jurassic Park before the movie was released. Here’s a Summary of the Unpopular Truths: Environmentalism is a …


Recap of TEDxBeijing 2016 Year End Event

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This is a recap of the TEDxBeijing year-end event that took place yesterday. It was my first attendance at a TEDx event in China and it was superbly organised. The venue was at Mee Park Cafe inside Universal Creative Park, Beijing. The 300 RMB tickets were almost sold out by the time I purchased my …


Short Film Laisuotuo 莱索托

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A new short film Laisuotuo was released by filmmaker Carl Houston Macmillan. He says, “This is a film about two immigrants, a Chinese shop owner in Lesotho and an African doctor in China. This 20 min film is about how stereotyping and racial profiling reduces our empathy. Cultural understanding is ever so important in our …