In December the Postbank lost R42 million to hackers. Afterwards experts called for a new cyber policing strategy. After 20 years on the Internet I did not know we had a cyber policing strategy in place. During 1997-2003 I worked for major Internet Service Providers and three banks running their IT Security. If South Africa has …
Author archives: Ramon Thomas
Then and Now – how times have changed
Dan Sullivan, discusses advantages of iPad
Small business coach, Dan Sullivan, says how the iPad can help an entrepreneur’s business. The Applei iPad sales are about 10 times that of the 2nd runner up and the stats all back this up. So it’s a very good time now to begin developing content for the iPad instead of other platforms.
Julian Assange: iPhone, Blackberry and Gmail users are 'screwed'
WikilLeaks founder Julian Assange tells smartphone and Gmail users ‘you’re all screwed’ by intelligence contractors who sell mass surveillance devices for such technologies in the post 9/11 world. He also announced that his whistle-blowing organisation was embarking on a new ‘source protection platform’
Listen To Gary Halbert And John Carlton For 6 Hours!
Here is a good way to start 2012 with a bang. Did you know direct response copywriter, Michel Fortin, offer over 6 hours of free audio online? This audio was first published a few years ago and I have since listened to it numerous times and shared it widely in my training courses. His friend, …
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