Social network interview about Facebook

Every now and then students contact me while doing research on articles I’ve written on this blog or interviews published on my work. So this one started out very interesting although the eventual questions were not asking the right questions I believe. Student Request I’m studying journalism at Stellenbosch University, and have to write an …

New look Gmail

Gmail is the most powerful email application on the planet. It revolutionised how people use web-based email. For many years email users relied on either Microsoft Outlook or some software application to download emails daily, send and receive, etc. Hotmail became a hot property when Microsoft purchased it in the 1990s. However, spammers soon began …

Social media goes mainstream in South Africa

Recently World Wide Worx, one of our partner companies, released the definitive study on the social media landscape in South Africa. Instead of simply republishing the press release with the research findings, I also include a short email interview with the co-author, Mike Wronski and as I didn’t know sites providing youtube likes existed and …

The Curse of BBM

BBM users claims it revolutionised the way they communicate and stay in touch constantly. MXit users have known this for a few years longer. However, BlackBerry started out focusing on business users, corporate customers before becoming a quasi-status symbol for with numerous celebrities seen in public with their BlackBerry phones. This has created a false …