Bill Hicks used to end his shows with this…

Life is like a ride in an amusement park and when you go on it and you think it’s real, cause that’s how powerful our minds are, and the ride goes up and down, and round and round. It has thrills and chills and its very brightly coloured. And it’s very loud and its fun …

We are the evil interview with Carl Jung

This is a profound message from one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Carl Jung went way beyond Freud and even Einstein because did not place any limitations on what humanity. And if you want to explore this question further, may I recommend the Origins of Evil lecture by Michael Tsarion.

Some tips to avoid problems on social networks

Here’s some tips for children: Never give out your full name or physical address. The less information about you on social networks the better. Ensure that you use the maximum amount of privacy and only invite/accept friends that you actually know in the real world. When someone posts a nasty comment on your social networking …

What is the role of Technology in Romantic Relationships?

One of the tragedies of the romantic relationships in the 21st century is the lack of quality and the lack of depth. Technology has played a pivotal role in bringing people closer together and also keeping people from connecting at deeper levels. We’ve seen the rise of Internet dating as means for people to find …

A deeper look at MXit's war on porn and cyber criminals

This was announced a few days ago. And I would like to give some perspective before you read the official statement from MXit below. MXit has been around for a number of years. And the media has enjoyed blaming MXit for everything from distribution of pornography to examination results dropping since its introduction. As a …