Over the years, Technorati has been tracking the State of the Blogosphere. Our annual study investigates how blogging is growing and changing, as well as its impacts on current events and the bottom lines of businesses and bloggers. Please share your perspective by participating in our survey. We think you’ll find the survey interesting. It …
Author archives: Ramon Thomas
Ramon Thomas supports Faces of Hope Foundation charity
Ramon Thomas & Faces of Hope Foundation presents special charity movie screening of “The Ultimate Gift.” The event promises to have a host of exciting activities to look forward to and you are supporting a good cause while doing so. As South Africa’s leading expert on the psychology of technology & dating in the 21st …
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First Open Day Meet-n-Greet
I make models Miss South Africa, businessmen get onto CNBC Africa, unpublished authors gets published or how to make one hell of a profit and still get to heaven. My most recent experience includes a strong focus on life coaching models, businessmen, heads of business schools, PR companies, Marketing Directors and even sales training for …
Nick Vujicic : Are You Going to Finish Strong
Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs but has come to terms with his lot in life and he delivers an inspirational speech to these school kids that they will probably never forget.
Breakfast with Angela Ludek, aka WildAngel
About 3 weeks I met someone with whom I believe I share a spiritual connection. I cannot explain it in words. Freud came close when he described this type of feeling as uncanny – strange or mysterious, esp. in an unsettling way. And Carl Jung helped me understand how we met when he in turn …
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