TED Conferences introduces TED Fellows Program

Fifty World-Changing Individuals to be Selected Annually for New, Prestigious Fellowship Program; 20 move to Senior Fellows Three-Year Program Organizers of the TED Conference today announced the introduction of the TED Fellows program, a new international program designed to foster the spread of great ideas. Initially 50 individuals, selected for the world-changing potential of their …

From Q&A to the Slumdog Millionaire

Arthur Goldstuck told me about the book Q&A by Vikas Swarup. What amused him was that the character’s name is Ramon Mohammed Thomas, similar to mine. And that I was on the South Africa version of the Weakest Link around the same time that the book was published. This book is on my to-read list. …

Interview on Chai FM, Jewish community radio station

[NB! I often receive phone calls or emails from people thinking this website is Chai FM. Please contact them directly via their websitebecause I was only a guest on the radio station a few times.] Today I received an invitation to do my first interview with this new Jewish community radio station next week 10, …

Lesbian Love in The World Unseen

I’m re-posting this directly from the Times Multimedia because I have been struggling to write anything original longer than 140 characters. Another reason for this is because my friend Natalie Becker has a small role in this film and she informed me about it beforehand and because I love watching movie trailers, this grabbed my …

Internet turnaround has begun in SA

In the past year, the Internet user base in South Africa has seen its highest rate of growth since 2001, increasing by 12.5% to 4,5-million. This is the key finding of the Internet Access in South Africa 2008 study, released today by World Wide Worx. The study was backed by Cisco Systems, and the findings …