Deleting my MySpace profile and loosing faith in Facebook

There is a idea that I know is true. That idea is that I prefer to speak to a friend face to face. Maybe over a cafe latte or a glass a wine. Why do I prefer this type of interaction over social networking? Because I can SEE the person, I can READ their body …

The Future Doesn't Need Us: Web 3.0 the Good and the Bad

First the good: Along with automation, customisation of content will continue to be refined and personalised. This is best illustrated by the Orwellian future vision in the Epic 2014 video clip: Maybe the biggest gold rush for the next 100 years is the integration of the Web with the human mind. Sony has already taken …

Al Ries on why the iPhone will fail because it’s a convergence device

This is hilarious to watch even a year after it was originally posted because the Apple iPhone is not coming to South Africa. What makes this valuable is the great overview of his concept of divergence and how he applies it the technology industry and specifically the cellphone industry. In the words of Al Ries …