Eben Pagan interviewed by Joe Polish about Hiring Tips

In this video series Eben Pagan is interviewed by Über-information marketer Joe Polish. I just signed up for his Genius Network Interviews and I’m blown away by the content of the interviews and the value for money. Anyway Eben Pagan is the founder of the Altitude program and is extremely astute entrepreneur and trainer. In …

New Books from Take2 this November

I’ve been checking out Take2 for a long time because its prices are just the best in South Africa. Take2 is one of those online retail stores like Kalahari.net and the international poster boy Amazon.com which offers a selection of books, music CDs, DVDs and other products. What I really love about Take2 is that …

Keys to keeping kids safe online

Net filters, Web sites help shield children from predators By Jeff Smith, Rocky Mountain News Englewood physician Gregory Papadeas already has gone through the experience of his 9-year-old seeing an obscene image inadvertently pop up on a computer screen. She told him about it. He’s already gone through the frank talk with his 13-year-old daughter …

Gauteng Online is a failure doomed from the beginning

What where they thinking when the Gauteng department of Education promised to connect all the schools in Gauteng to the Internet within 5 years? This is a rhetorical questions about the stupidity of infrastructure projects of this nature. The government themselves are the most inefficient users of technology and with this project they were meant …

What I learned from Bruce Lee about Flowing in Relationships

It’s been months since I’ve been to my Tai Chi class and I’m starting to feel really itchy about it. So even though I’ve been doing my Tai Chi Chuan at home its not the same as doing in a group. One of the things I’ve done to console myself is to go back to …