TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: President Jakaya Kikwete

Session 11 was closed off by a speech by the President of Tanzania, the honourable Mjue Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete. He started out extending a warm welcome to all guests and visitors to Tanzania and Arush. It’s the beginning of the winter but it’s not snowing yet. He referred to a conversation he had with U2’s …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: Ory Okolloh

Africa is a continent full of contradictions. You’re Harvard educated and you’re coming here to tell us what to do? She told us about her experiences growing up. Although not in the slums she grew up poor. She was sent to a expensive school and kept being thrown out. And once when she failed she …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: James Shikwati

This is the 2nd talk on the second last session of TEDGlobal 2007. We need to commercialising enterprises or entrepreneurship in Africa. Chris Anderson, TED curator, described him as one-man think tank, a libertarian economist. Address famine as a business opportunity. Lost $200 million due to famine in Kenya. Estimated cost 300 to 500 million …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: Paul van Zyl

Paul van Zyl gave one of the regular 3 minute talks that fits in between the main talks at TED. He was involved with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa and now runs an NGO in New York that shares these strategies and experience with other countries in transition. For more on this …

TEDGlobal 2007: Session 11: Salim Amin

The final session of TED: Leadership and Truth, opened with a short film with photos from the famine in Ethiopia. He open with “My name is Salim Amin and I am an African.” The images from the film saved the lives of 3 million people. Images taken by his father, Mohammed Amin. A24 media project, …