From Judy Botes @ Missing Children SA For the December holidays 22 children were reported missing to Missing Children SA. Fortunately – together with SAPS – 19 of these children have been recovered. Since official statistics were started in 1994 OVER 900 OF THE CHILDREN REPORTED MISSING IN SOUTH AFRICA, HAVE NOT BEEN RECOVERED. Experts …
Category archives: Blog
Miss Tukkies Rag Queen Childrens Charity Drive
Hello Ramon, I got this email from one of the Tukkies Finalists on Monday. I do believe that time is running out on this project. I will copy and paste her email to me and I will attach 2 photos, one of her ( quite a looker) and another group photo. It’s a charity drive …
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George Carlin's Words of wisdom
This is a master piece… If you have not read it take the time to read it now… If you have read it take time to read it again… If you have read it again… Then, please consider!!! Isn’t it amazing that George Carlin – comedian of the 70’s and 80’s – could write something …
Twitter is indeed a disaster waiting for happen
This morning I read some good insights about the continued failure of Twitter by my industry colleague Paul Jacobson. Paul is easily the top attorney-blogger active in the South African social media scene. So now I am once again seriously considering a shift of focus from
Response to Denton Goodford and Levona Fredericks
There is still a bitter taste in the mouths of people who think I am abusing the name of Uitenhage High School on the Internet. Those are the same people who did not attend the annual Speech & Awards ceremony in October this year. I was there! So here’s my response to Denton and Levona, …
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