TED Conferences introduces TED Fellows Program

Fifty World-Changing Individuals to be Selected Annually for New, Prestigious Fellowship Program; 20 move to Senior Fellows Three-Year Program Organizers of the TED Conference today announced the introduction of the TED Fellows program, a new international program designed to foster the spread of great ideas. Initially 50 individuals, selected for the world-changing potential of their …

Mobile phone radiation damages memory: study

Exposure to mobile phone radiation worsens the short-term memory of rats, according to a new Swedish study. A doctoral dissertation carried out at Lund University also found that groups of genes involved with behaviour and memory undergo changes due to repeated doses of radiation from mobile phones, the Sydsvenskan newspaper reports. Doctoral candidate Henrietta Nittby …

Virtaal translation tool released

Dwayne Bailey sent a message to the over 400 members of Translate.org.za group on Facebook. Translate.org.za has just released a first version of our desktop translation tool called Virtaal.  Before you think its about automagic translation from English to Xhosa, its not.  It is a tool designed to be used by a human translating a …

Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty

Last year I blogged about more efficient living in Johannesburg. This year I plan to blog about something my plan to solve poverty in Uitenhage over the next 20 years. All South African bloggers should get directly involved in Blog Action Day 2008 because poverty is the root cause of crime, health and all other …

27Dinner talk, Mutual-Aid between African Bloggers

Thank you very much to Dave Duarte and Max Kaizen who have both supported my drive to create stronger relationships between South African bloggers and those bloggers from the rest of Africa. This has nothing to do with with the Xenophobia attacks, although it will restore tremendous goodwill that has always been there in the …