Be Like Water, my final Toastmasters speech for 2007

This was my final Toastmasters speech for the year and my 10th, which I passed. It is also the final speech in the first level: Competent Communicator: Madam Toastmaster, Ladies and Gentlemen… For the longest time I did not understand the difference between motivation and inspiration. However, as I kept studying and learning I believe …

Michael Tsarion on Relationships

What is a “Relationship?” Is it: Dependency under another name? Insecurity under another name? Vampirism under another name? I’m empty and I need you. You’re empty and you need me!…(often called “Falling in Love“). Christians were told marriage was an alternative to damnation. Better to marry than burn! Fear paves the way. Relationships! The bane …

Download my LinkedIn Lessons ebook

This week I’m expanding my LinkedIn connections. This has become a weekly ritual to expand my network and reach. You’re welcome to connect with Ramon Thomas on  LinkedIn, the business social network. Anyway, here’s the problem: Business social networking is something I believe is truly valuable. So download my LinkedIn Lessons ebook. You’re welcome to …

My Toastmasters speech on reducing technology stress

My friend Ronnie Apteker published a book 1999 called “Do you love IT in the morning?” and this was a great play on words because it could imply “it” as in perhaps sex or “IT” as in “Information Technology.” Sadly this book is now out of print and I remember picking up over 50 copies …

Jonathan Brunton on the Kevin Carter story

I am honoured and inspired by you. We are truly kindred spirits, rallying to make this world a better place. A place that is better for you, for me and for everyone! It takes one small gesture to change the destiny of humanity. Wayne Dyer once said ‘Change the way you look at things and …