Lessons from Steve Jobs on making a excellent pitch in your Presentation

Today I learnt via the TED Blog about a great column on Steve Jobs’ presentations skills. The basics of it include the following factors: Building tension Stick to one theme per slide Add pizazz to your delivery Practise Be honest and show enthusiasm Go directly to the Business Week column here. And you can watch …


Facebook vs MySpace debate keeps moving ahead

Facebook has experienced phenomenal growth in South Africa over the last few months. As recently as early May there was only 25,000 registered users in the South African network on Facebook and that has exploded to over 120,000 as of 2 July. That’s over45,000 new users per month for the last two months. Now I …


Art of Mastering Your Life with Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini, a philosopher and international speaker presents an inspiring evening talk sharing wisdom and insights to help you to master your life. Be guided with straightforward, practical tips that will help you master and empower the 7 areas of life. Learn the ancient and modern secrets to manifest the life you love! Practical …


Fake it till you make it when speaking in Durban

There is a very popular saying in the seduction community that you should fake it till you make it with women. What they mean is that you should pretend you have confidence until you develop real inner confidence. And the same goes for confident body language, etc. This last week I’ve been giving talks on …