Parents Guide to MXit available today

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The Parents Guide to MXit is now available from today. This concise guide is made available at no cost to all concerned parents or educators, who may have sleepless nights about children using MXit, the popular chat application that enables communication on cell phones at the fraction of SMS costs. Ramon Thomas, online behaviour expert …


China moves toward "real name system" for Blogging

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I’m facinated how China is regulating the Internet. There is a lot of critics and companies like Google and Yahoo have been roasted over the coals for how they co-operate with the Chinese government. I do believe they are doing right when you consider a staggering 446.7% growth from 2000 to 2006. I can’t even …


New version ClamWin Free Antivirus

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I’ve been using ClamWin, an open-source and free antivirus program for about two years now. Its is absolutely the best open source product I’ve ever used (next to Mozilla Firefox). When my original Norton Antivirus expired and they wanted me to pay in excess of US$50 to renew, I decided to look elsewhere. And to …


Would you rather be Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?

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I would rather be Steve Jobs because he’s so much cooler, so much happier, so much more inspiring. He’s Harvard University commencement address I wrote about here, is one of the deepest messages I’ve ever read and the way that Jobs described his life into three concicse lessons is powerfull and potent. One some websites …


Queue no more

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Ronnie Apteker must be one of the most humble millionaires I personally know. He was the founder of Internet Solution with a few other guys back in 1993. This was also the first company I worked for in 1997 when I moved to Joburg. And I still have a strong connection with them. He writes …