Day 1 – Futurex 2007: Anthony Fitzhenry on the Technology Trends

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Anthony Fitzhenry, CEO of Axiz, and IT Personality of the Year 2006, delivered the opening address at the annual Futurex Conference. The conference is co-located with the Futurex and Equip exhibition, which is possibly the biggest ICT exhibition in Africa. This is really a stunning presentation because it is about you, the consumer and eventually …


Blogging the Futurex Conference 2007

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The Futurex Exhibition is the biggest ICT event of the year. And it coincides with World Telecomms Day on 17 May. Futurex is also the merger of the old Computer Faire and Tel.Com Exhibition run by Computer Society up until the merger. And with the exhibition there is also the Futurex Conference that takes place …


Social Media pilot at AAA School of Advertising

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This week I was in Cape Town to give two talks at two private schools on MXit. Even more exciting news was how well received my Social Media seminar went down at the AAA School of Advertising. Social media in my opinion is both the combination of blogging, podcasting, vlogging, RSS technology and how it …


Summary of the first Internet Cafe workshop

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Thank you very much for attending our first workshop on Saturday, 24th March. This e-mail is a summary of what was discussed and some suggestions on the next steps for you to consider. If you have your deposit and a venue contact Terry to place your order on (011) 8346755 contact Ramon Thomas. The aim …


Shirley, Goodness and Mercy at Market Theatre

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On Saturday, 23 March, I was blessed to attend the stage production of Shirley, Goodness and Mercy by my friend and author Chris van Wyk. Acclaimed director Janice Honeyman adapted and directed the play. There was some tension in the air as most of the people audience was made up of people from Riverlea, a …