Have a Heart with John Vlismas & Riaad Moosa

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Damn! I booked for this event on Monday, 2 October…and now I realised I have a trip I’m going to be in Cape Town on this date.From the makers of the original Laugh Out Loud stage show comes a new reason to live…HAVE A HEART. Join comedians John Vlismas, Riaad Moosa and their friends to …


iWeek 2006 Summary: Lets Start The Internet Revolution

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[photopress:Phuti_netucation_1.jpg,thumb,alignright] This whole week I have been blogging the conference, indeed gaining enormous experience as a researcher and Internet Marketer. Speakers from Germany, Namibia , Belgium, Singapore, Chana, South Africa and other parts of the world delivered ground breaking researched presentations.Internet in South Africa is growing at a slow pace but progress have been made …


week 2006: Wim Roggeman-ISPA,Society, Child Porn, racism and hate Speech.

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Wim Roggeman has been the President of ISPA Belgium since 2004, which was formed in 1997. This non-profit organisation was created to promote the interests of Belgian companies providing Internet services. Its members account for 97% of all Internet connections in Belgium. ISPA Belgium publishes a quarterly market survey on the development of the Belgian …


Iweek 2006:Veni Markovski-Civil society and government:making internet more accessible.

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How civil society and government can work together to make the Internet more accessible, Mr Markovski is a Senior Advisor, Government Agency for Information Technology and Communication, as well as Chair of the board Internet Society Bulgaria. His speech could be summarised as an attempt to design rules of engagement on ICT and related topics, …


iWeek 2006: David Frankel, Mark Toddes, Ant Brooks panel session

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A retrospective look at the pioneering days of the industry: a question and answer session: This session looked more into the evolution of the ISPA from a small group to more then 120. David Frankel, first ISPA co-Chairman and past MD of Internet Solution, claimed that the industry is too compliant which in one way …