IT Security & Cyber Forensics Conference

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Today I am speaking at the Marcus Evans IT Security & Cyber Forensics conference. The subtitle for this conference is: Mitigating IT security risks through improved processes and innovative investigations The inspiration for my talk is based on two books by the most famous hacker in the world, Kevin Mitnick: The Art of Intrusion: The …


Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Technology for Social Impact

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The Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) and will host the MobileActive08 Summit from 13-15 October 2008 at the Wanderers Club in Johannesburg. The theme of the event is “Unlocking the Potential of Mobile Technology for Social Impact”. With more than 350 confirmed participants from over 40 countries, this will be the largest international event …


PR 2.0 Blogging Workshop with Marlon Parker's Team

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Tomorrow, I am training a team of loyal drug counsellors from Impact Direct Ministries on how to use blogging to get themselves onto television, radio, newspapers or magazines – all things I have done because of my blogging. They are learning fast and furiously about technology from Marlon Parker, senior lecturer at Cape Peninsula University …


Leadership in a Technology Driven World

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Worldwide there is a crises in education and schools and perhaps even more so in Africa. All you have to do is open any newspaper and you will read stories like this letter from a very concerned parent in the Namibian. This keynote speech was delivered to over 240 Deputy Heads of Independent Schools at …


Blogging Workshops at the 3rd annual Digital Citizen Indaba

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This year I am attending the 3rd annual Digital Citizen Indaba, not as a speaker but a workshop facilitator on Tuesday, 9 September. I will be leaving from Grahamstown directly for two weeks in Johannesburg from 10-25 September. Anyway here’s the event information directly from the hourse’ mouth… The annual DCI is held at Rhodes …