Question about Wirless Internet in South Africa

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A Question from a Reader on 16 May 2010 > I will be visiting your country soon. > > What wireless internet options are available in your country.? > > We have a mobile usb flash/modem with 3G wireless and have a pay-as-you-go system in my country. > > I wish not to spend time …


Links and Link Anchor Text… Vital Info

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Another gem from SEO guru Tony Roocroft, a mentor and friend. Critical to SEO Success: Link Popularity and Link Relevancy. Links: You need them. Links: You need lots of them. Links: You need lots of RELEVANT or RELATED links Links on a web page enable the visitor to move around within and without a website …


South Africa's Internet growth accelerates

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The number of South African Internet users has passed the 5-million mark for the first time, finally breaking through the 10% mark in Internet penetration for the country. This is the key finding of the Internet Access in South Africa 2010 study, conducted by World Wide Worx and jointly sponsored by Cisco. The headline data, …


2009 Year End Message from ISOC President & CEO

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Thanks for an Extraordinary Year of Achievements from Lynn St.Amour, President and CEO of ISOC. Dear Members, Friends, and Colleagues, The end of 2009 is here – and what a year it has been. The Internet Society continued to prosper in 2009, the results of our work reaching wider and deeper than ever before. So …


New undersea cable part of 100-fold bandwidth increase

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The announcement today of a formal agreement for the construction of the West Africa Cable System (WACS) by all South Africa’s major telecommunications operators sets the scene for total international bandwidth capacity coming into Africa growing more than a hundredfold by the end of 2011. The Internet Access in South Africa 2008 study, conducted by …