Bloggers represent South Africa at TEDGlobal Conference

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Two of South Africa’s leading bloggers will be attending the first ever TEDGlobal conference in Arusha, Tanzania from 4-7 June 2007. 30 May 2007 (Johannesburg): South Africa will be represented by two of it’s most distinguished bloggers at the TEDGlobal Conference held in Africa for the first time. TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is an annual …


Ramon Thomas on 3Talk with Noeleen this Friday

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For help on getting onto the 3Talk show, contact Urban Brew: Tel 011 781 0902, 8 Harley Street, Ferndale, Randburg. Urban Brew, the producers of 3Talk with Noeleen called me this afternoon to invite me back onto the show for the 2nd time, this Friday, 4 May. 3Talk is a daily show that runs from …


Online public relations and top keywords

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The Web will go down as one of the greatest equalisers in history. It allows small companies or even solo entrepreneurs like myself to compete with large and established companies. NETucation generates all it’s publicity through sending emails to over 500 journalists in South Africa. These journalists include everyone from newspapers, magazines, radio, television and …


John Farquhar speaks out on future of Newspapers

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I received this response from John Farquhar after I emailed him about Duncan McLeod in Financial Mail’s column Newspapers R.I.P. Thanks for the link to Mcleods column There are two kind of people in business. Those who live in the real world and those who fantasise about tomorrow’s where the old will be replaced by …


Radio interviews as Valentine’s Day approaches

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Last night I did a half hour long interview on SAFM with Lynette Francis. We discussed online dating, speed dating and sms dating. Trying to get people into the mood for Valentine’s Day. My friend Jenny Cereseto from SMARTdate was the only caller and made a good case for speed dating over online dating. My …