So close but yet so far

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I took a walk tonight just to clear my head. Trying to write 10,000 words for an assignment is no mean task. Well it was around 8pm and the sky in Johannesburg was clear. I tried to identify Orion’s Belt as I have been doing in recent months whenever there is a clear sky. I …


Westlife at The Dome in Johannesburg

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Went to see the Westlife concert at The Dome in Northgate today. Wow! I never thought much of this boy band and considered them a fad for a while. But hey they’re really slick bunch and the music is very catchy. They put on a great show but sad to say it was a bit …


Beautiful Cape Town

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I spent the last week in Cape Town and I’m heading back to good ol’ Joburg on Sunday. My good friend Russell allowed me to stay with him in Simon’s Town and what a wonderful experience it has been. Sadly he’s boat is being painted and we won’t have a chance to go sailing or …


Bank Loans and Credits

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I’ve had the privilege of viewing a new music video by South African musician, Sean Burke. The video entitled Last Dayz, is Men in Black meets The Matrix. This is superb 3D animation with a big focus on the quality of small details. The video is due to be play listed on MTV and it …