Mel Gibson Breaks Hollywood's 10 Commandments

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Mel Gibson has always been an iconic actor ever since he emerged from Australia’s deserts with the Mad Max trilogy of movies. He became a bonafide action star with the Lethal Weapon series and Braveheart. I’m a big movie fan and always keep track of how movies are created, marketed and how they perform. With …


How to use Social Proof to improve your Dating

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Dr Robert Cialdini wrote a book called Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion. One of the weapons of influence and core principles in this book is “Social Proof”. Wikipedia defines it as “is a psychological phenomenon which occurs in ambiguous social situations when people are unable to determine the appropriate mode of behaviour. Making the assumption …


A Hot Mom after Mother’s Day

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I’ve dated two women who had children. The first one in particular was a “hot mom” and as a tribute to her I’m posting a cool video clip I found on Goolge Video about a new movement called the Hot Mom’s Club. Jessica Denay is also the author of a new book, The Hot Mom’s …


Meeting More Single People in a Natural Way

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I’ve been more and more frustrated not meeting as many new women as I would like. Recently went to a Portugese Festival here in Johannesburg called Lusito Land and there must have been at least 5000 people there. And suffice it to say I made about two good approaches and one that sucked because she …