Primary School Teacher Says, "I Quit!"

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15 year veteran elementary teacher says “I quit”. Parents need to know what is being done to their children in many of today’s public schools – and it is not the teacher’s fault.  


Eben Moglen discusses Freedom Box on CBS News

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Eben Moglen discussing the freedom box on CBS news. This small device provides a form of point-to-point secure encryption of your communications. You can support or track the progress via the Freedom Box Foundation after watching this news clip from CBS News below: This is an important project for people who support user privacy. In …


The 4 Ways to Spend Money

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The problem with government funded schools: they spend someone else’s money on other people’s children. According to economist Milton Friedman, the worst possible scenario for spending money.  


The Future of Learning, Networked Society

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This video features three heroes of education: Seth Godin, Prof Sugata Mitra and Daphne Koller among other schooling and education experts. After watching this video, there is hope for your children, for South Africa and parents who are tired of delgating the learning to forced compulsory schools run by governments. Technology is changing the way …


Mother and Infant Bonding

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A few years ago I discovered the work of Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biophile magazine, now out of print. Here’s an import video for mothers and “This brief nine minute program may be the most important you, as a mother, father or caregiver, will ever see. Bonding is much more than what we ‘think.’ It …