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We need to keep ourselves educated about our own health and wellness…
International Relationship Builder
We need to keep ourselves educated about our own health and wellness…
This is a profound message from one of the greatest minds of the 20th century. Carl Jung went way beyond Freud and even Einstein because did not place any limitations on what humanity. And if you want to explore this question further, may I recommend the Origins of Evil lecture by Michael Tsarion.
Hey I know I’m a few years behind in noticing this movie. My friend Ra-eef Wicomb brought this to my attention today. So here’s the write-up from Video Vision, the main production company, and the trailer from Youtube follows below: VIDEOVISION’S “DOLLARS AND WHITE PIPES” PREMIERES AT MONTREAL WORLD FILM FESTIVAL Dollars And White Pipes, …
Continue reading “Dollars and White Pipes”
College Humour’s own Dan Gurewitch takes his tweets to the streets. See our videos a month sooner at College Humour, check us out at our mobile site and follow us at http://www.twitter.com/collegehumor
Nick Vujicic has no arms or legs but has come to terms with his lot in life and he delivers an inspirational speech to these school kids that they will probably never forget.