Trouble with Twitter

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This is one of those videos that really makes you think about how trivial some aspects of social networking sites like Twitter can be. From: “SuperNews!” An animated sketch comedy series airing on Current TV.  


John Wooden on true success

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With profound simplicity, Coach John Wooden redefines success and urges us all to pursue the best in ourselves. In this inspiring talk he shares the advice he gave his players at UCLA, quotes poetry and remembers his father’s wisdom. He first came to my attention via the monthly Toastmasters International magazine. In this talk poetically …


World of Warcraft Birth Control

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Regardless of the situation always use birth control. Whoever uses the birth control has the control. You should be using birth control AND so should she. The pill is NOT the only form. There’s about 12 different forms of birth control and women cannot be allergic to all of them. If a girl is not …


Richard Stallman on DRM – Digital Rights Restrictions

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Please view the excellent transcript of the Robin Good interview with Richard Stallman. The above clip is a short extract published on Youtube.