Cyber Infidelity – The New Seduction

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Online dating is one of those things that the Internet was made for: People trying to meet people for love and sex in the supposed privacy of their homes. Cyber Infidelity is a book by Dr Eve, who’s real name is Dr Marlene Wasserman based in Cape Town, South Africa. She’s South Africa’s answer to …


Reuel Leach reviews Conquer CyberOverload

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This week my friend Reuel Leach, who first published this report on Cellular Costs in South Africa, reviews a book sent me a while ago. We both are avid users of technology and enjoy helping people get more from real life, and technology second. Book Title: Conquer Cyber Overload Author: Joanne Cantor Ph.D ISBN 9780984256808 …


The Art and Strategy of Being a Superflirt by Tracey Cox

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Watching two people flirt is kind of like watching a car wreck. There’s all the discomfort, the unmistakable fear and the inability, for the life of you, to look away. But that’s until you learn the tricks of the trade, according to dating (and sex) expert Tracey Cox. Review by Faraaz Mahomed… ‘Superflirt’ is one …