Internet cafe business 2010 workshops schedule

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This announcement is two years overdue. So I apologise to my loyal readers who have persisted in asking me about past Internet Cafe workshops. This is what you have been waiting for! NETucation is South Africa’s leading experts on the Internet Cafe industry, and we are the only organisation to conduct training on how to …


How to use Skype and make VOIP calls for beginners in South Africa

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Skype allows users to make telephone calls from their computer to other Skype users free of charge, or to landlines and cell phones for a fee. Unlike most other VOIP (Voice-over-Internet) software, Skype uses a peer-to-peer model, which is the most efficient way for transferring large amounts of data over the Internet, in a distributed …


cheaper Broadband for Academics

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Treveor Manuel has announced a new initiative to offer cheaper broadband to Academics to facilitate and foster research. This is really something which government has been slow to address. Broadband should be available at discounted rates to students and especially for postgraduagte students. When they are not on campus they have to access the Internet …


Broadband: The premise of a social web

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As you may have written down in you diary that a major event to attend in November was the 2006 MyADSL Broadband Conference held at Vodaworld, Midrand, South Africa. That was one of the many ICT related forum focusing directly on widening digital access to communities and the information poor. In this article i am …


Open Access Networks:A success story

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The idea behind Broadband is mainly to open doors for inclusive access- where anyone can play on a fair and none discriminatory, while promoting ensure fair trade. Open Access Networks is one of the few community driven success story. An attempt to ‘level the playing field’ and stimulated competition as a means to promote greater …