The Economy Survey

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Ever since launched I have enjoyed the short ebooks the produce and make available at no cost. Often it was a summary or first chapter from books by best selling author’s like Seth Godin, Timothy Ferris, Chris Anderson or Guy Kawasaki. Anyway here’s a recent email from them with something that really hits home …


Keynote – Dr Pravin Gordhan: SARS and the Web

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Dr Pravin Gordhan, commissioner of the South African Revenue Service (SARS) opened the WWW2007 conference with a keynote on SARS and the Web. More generally how government is using technology to alleviate poverty, create jobs. He asked many questions like: What the impact of technology is on poverty? Does it empower ordinary people? We have …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 12: Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

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Dr Okonjo-Iweala, Distinguished Fellow at Brookings Institution and former Finace Minister from Nigeria presented the final talk at TEDGlobal: Africa the next chapter. She spoke at the TED conference in Monteray, Califorian in Feb 2007. Africa the old: the next chapter. The growth in sub-Saharan Africa is strong and inflation is under control but the …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 3: Idris Mohammed

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One of those moments at TEDGlobal that made me feel jazzy inside was when two performers from the Zip Zap Circus School came on stage to entertain us. I didn’t know what to expect because I’ve never heard of them before. Rest assured I will be on the lookout for future performances back in South …


TEDGlobal 2007: Session 3: Eleni Gabre-Madhin

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I cannot believe the first day of TEDGlobal is over. We had a dinner party sponsored by Google on Monday evening and today it’s a jam packed. Later I’m attending a lunch sponsored by where they’ll mention some projects they are involved with in Africa. Eleni Gabre-Madhin, is an Economist, who is working to …