Top 10 Movies About Teachers

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Everyone agrees education is important. Most people agree teachers are valuable. Few people know the difference between learning and teaching. Learning happens naturally when children are fully engaged. Teaching happens when teachers love what they do and share that enthusiasm with the children they teach. After spending years lecturing at private schools across South Africa, …


Using MOOC to upgrade Education in Rural Areas

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UNISA has made distance learning a common practise in South Africa. It’s position is entrenched more so after the 2004 merger with Technikon RSA. The next evolution in distance learning beyond e-learning or computer-based training is Massive Open Online Courses or MOOC. This is made possible with the pervasiveness of broadband Internet. MOOC is a …


Mxit education takes off

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Mxit has signed up 5-million subscribers to its educational content, and 600 000 to its eight exam revision applications. Mxit believes this provides ample evidence that the average mobile phone can become a transformative education tool for learners. Andrew Rudge, Chief of Insight and Reach at Mxit says, “mLearning is powerful because it breaks through …


#edchat Join Weekly Twitter Chat on Education

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A twitter chat for the South African education community takes place from 20h30 to 21h30 each Monday evening GMT+2. Private school teachers and public schools teachers have an open conversation about children, teaching, learning and technology. To vote for your choice of topic for the coming week, please head over to #edchatsa website and add your …