Avoid Job Scams on Gumtree

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This article has been adapted from the original posted by the Better Business Bureau. Craiglist is the biggest classified website worldwide and Gumtree is the equivalent in South Africa. As the economy recovers worldwide, more and more jobs are becoming available on sites such as Gumtree and plethora of other new job aggregation sites like …


Do Facebook Junkies Have Real Friends?

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Facebook is the biggest reality show in the world. It has more than 1 billion unpaid actors who live a portion of the lives online. Recently I was interviewed by the Weekend Post newspaper about Facebook junkies or people who have more than 4,000 friends. It’s also notable I’ve closed my profile again just last …


Privacy and your identity

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Everyone has an identity. You have the person who wakes up in the morning. You have the identity at school, you also have a different one with your parents vs you friends. So what you portray online is yet another variation on these theme. It’s another mask that you are wearing. And this is the …