Shirley, Goodness and Mercy at Market Theatre

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On Saturday, 23 March, I was blessed to attend the stage production of Shirley, Goodness and Mercy by my friend and author Chris van Wyk. Acclaimed director Janice Honeyman adapted and directed the play. There was some tension in the air as most of the people audience was made up of people from Riverlea, a …


Great Places in Johannesburg To Meet Women

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At the time of writing this blog I had been living in Johannesburg for almost 10 years. In fact I had lived in Newclare, Roodepoort, Randburg and finally purchased a house in Winchester Hills. Since I’ve been around for a while, I observe social interaction in a very different light. Firstly I pay attention to …


Westlife at The Dome in Johannesburg

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Went to see the Westlife concert at The Dome in Northgate today. Wow! I never thought much of this boy band and considered them a fad for a while. But hey they’re really slick bunch and the music is very catchy. They put on a great show but sad to say it was a bit …