Two simple steps to reducing your cellphone stress levels today

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As far back as 2005 WebMD reported on how cell phones raise stress levels. And more specifically how it is blurring the lines between your professional life and your personal life. Now in South Africa you add in the frustration caused by load shedding, a high violent crime rate and you have enough of a …


Cellphone etiquette for people on the move from BulkSMS

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According to Dr Pieter E. Streicher, managing director at, “We need an etiquette tailored for business people who communicate on the move. The increase in cellphone usage for work and private calls or messaging is becoming a source of irritation and psychological stress within, and outside, the workplace.” See below for’s 10 tips …


Al Ries on why the iPhone will fail because it’s a convergence device

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This is hilarious to watch even a year after it was originally posted because the Apple iPhone is not coming to South Africa. What makes this valuable is the great overview of his concept of divergence and how he applies it the technology industry and specifically the cellphone industry. In the words of Al Ries …


Sordid sex scare on cellphone chat system

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By Barbara Hollands “Mxit addicts are like other addicts they start meeting a legitimate need for love or caring in an illegitimate way.” He wants to know who my contacts are, but I know he talks to other women and that he gets naked pictures of them. The trendy new cellphone chat system, Mxit, is …


Publics Talks on Dangers of Mobile Phones, Chat Rooms

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16 year old girl kidnapped by online predator using MXit. Avoid your child being next victim… Dear Parent and Teacher In October 2006, a sexual predator lured a schoolgirl using a cell phone-based messaging service. The suspect, a 33-year-old man abducted and held the 16-year-old girl captive for five days, after he developed a cyber …