PR 2.0 Blogging Workshop with Marlon Parker's Team

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Tomorrow, I am training a team of loyal drug counsellors from Impact Direct Ministries on how to use blogging to get themselves onto television, radio, newspapers or magazines – all things I have done because of my blogging. They are learning fast and furiously about technology from Marlon Parker, senior lecturer at Cape Peninsula University …


MXit responds to offensive lists of shame

In May 2007 the South African blogosphere was shook to its core with the abusive allegations from the SA Male Prostitute Blogger. Patricia de Lille, leader of the Independent Democrats party, took this personal and raged a campaign against blogging and MXit to be controlled. Now the lists of shame that has been circulating on MXit is likely to cause a similar outcry from authorities, parents and the community at large.


iTxt a bad MXit clone going nowhere slowly

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At the end of 2006 I was contacted about a new mobile message company iTXT that claimed to launch safer chat rooms on cellphones. This was at the height of MXit’s initial negative publicity. I investigated the company and signed up on my cellphone to evaluate the service. I immediately found some usability problems and …


The beginning of MXit spam and chain letters

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I have been getting more and more of these types of messages sent by my friends on MXit. Maybe they do not realise its spam or chain letters. The same types of chain letters that are sent around the global a gazillion times a day by innocent, unsuspecting people who believe they are doing a …


What does 7.5 million MXit users mean to Parents

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It’s been a while since I reported on the growth of MXit. And I finally found a confirmation of the current numbers from this Moneyweb article. The worldwide growth has now reached 7.5 million users with 6.5 million in South Africa. And that means 1 million international users. This is 43 million off from their …