Taalgenoot interview on the impact of Technololgy on Human Relationships

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1. How does communication technology change the interaction of people (for example: from as young as 11 years children start to MXit and spend as much as 3 hours per day in their own virtual world.. But on Facebook long lost friends can keep in contact. Kindly give positive and negative comment) Technology allows people …


Podcast – Jeremy Maggs interview on SAFM

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This was one of the best interviews I’ve done on the topic of Facebook and MXit ever. Also interviewed with me was Lynne Cawood, director of Childline Gauteng and Steven Ambrose, director of World Wide Worx Strategy. The interview was for a almost an hour on the After 8 Debate, a segment of the morning …


Sordid sex scare on cellphone chat system

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By Barbara Hollands “Mxit addicts are like other addicts they start meeting a legitimate need for love or caring in an illegitimate way.” He wants to know who my contacts are, but I know he talks to other women and that he gets naked pictures of them. The trendy new cellphone chat system, Mxit, is …


Learning and Support using MXit

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[This blog entry has been edited and updated on 9 Sep 2007] Cape Town bloggers Rafiq Phillips uses MXit offering customer support for his idrive.co.za project. This idea can save small businesses money if they consider the implications – offering a support contact on MXit which can be accessible from any cellphone anywhere in South …


MXit blasts through 3 million users

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** MXit has already reached 6 million by beginning 2008. Download the Parents Guide to MXit from this link. ** Its now official MXit has broken through 3 million users. This is really a phenomenal success for a South African born and bred company. The purchase by Naspers of 30% in MXit Lifestyle (Pty) Ltd, …