Who's who in the non-white Web 2.0 South African Zoo

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This blog post was updated for some corrections in June 2012. Mandy de Waal, a freelance journalist, wrote this article on ITWeb, profiling top social media gurus in South Africa. When I first read it, I found offensive not because it’s inaccurate, rather because it is incomplete. The main reason I take issue with this …


Reducing Technology Stress in a Wireless World

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You are invited to a this event hosted by Ramon Thomas in association with BulkSMS. These briefings have been designed to be fully interactive and will be looking at real-life examples, common mistakes and effective ways to reduce technology stress in a wireless world. The cellphone has become an indispensable part of our working life, …


Link To Your World podcast interview

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Recently I was approached to do an interview about the rise of the individual with Link To Your World. Some of the points I discussed was how I moved from working in the corporate sector to starting my own business. And I also discussed the power of social networking and social influence to position you …


Bloggers represent South Africa at TEDGlobal Conference

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Two of South Africa’s leading bloggers will be attending the first ever TEDGlobal conference in Arusha, Tanzania from 4-7 June 2007. 30 May 2007 (Johannesburg): South Africa will be represented by two of it’s most distinguished bloggers at the TEDGlobal Conference held in Africa for the first time. TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is an annual …


Summary of the first Internet Cafe workshop

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Thank you very much for attending our first workshop on Saturday, 24th March. This e-mail is a summary of what was discussed and some suggestions on the next steps for you to consider. If you have your deposit and a venue contact Terry to place your order on (011) 8346755 contact Ramon Thomas. The aim …