SATweetups Wants Event Host and Ambassadors

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Earlier this year Joburg Tweetups died and #SATweetups was born. We’ve hosted numerous events over the last few years attracting over 428 people to join the group. Our Tweetups was always simple and social events for people who  follow each other on Twitter to meet in-person. There was no speakers or speeches. This is the …


Winter Whiskey Tweetup tonight

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The tweetup tonight is in only a few hours (7:30 pm) at Katzy’s, Rosebank. There is a free snacks for you and your tweeple, so please tell your followers to come. If you haven’t decided yet what to do tonight, come with a friend… its a great setting: Whiskey, Wine, Beer, and Spirits… good people, …


Report On Cellular Payment Systems In South Africa

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This report is republished with permission from the author, Reuel Leach. You may contact him for more advise on saving money when using cellphones and Internet access on his cell 082 211 2619 Do you know what you are paying on your cellular bill every month. Maybe you do, but have you ever wondered what …


Miss Tukkies Rag Queen Childrens Charity Drive

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Hello Ramon, I got this email from one of the Tukkies Finalists on Monday. I do believe that time is running out on this project. I will copy and paste her email to me and I will attach 2 photos, one of her ( quite a looker) and another group photo. It’s a charity drive …