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Sex is soos ‘n payslip. Mens praat nie rerig daaroor nie, want dalk kry die ander ou meer as jy!! Juffrou gee wiskunde “Gertjie verstaan jy alles?” “Sjoe juffrou net so kol kol!” “Watter kol verstaan jy nie, Gertjie?” “Fokol juffrou, fokol!” ‘n Les uit geskiedenis: Rasse intergrasie is soos om kak en roomys te …


Psychologies Workshop: Dr Marlene Wasserman aka Dr Eve on Sexuality

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Dr Marlene Wasserman aka Dr Eve was the final speaker at this excellent workshop held by Psychologies Magazine at the beautiful Groot Constantia in Cape Town. The first thing Dr Ev made us do was to get up and dance or move around a little bit to the music in the hall. She was really …


Sordid sex scare on cellphone chat system

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By Barbara Hollands “Mxit addicts are like other addicts they start meeting a legitimate need for love or caring in an illegitimate way.” He wants to know who my contacts are, but I know he talks to other women and that he gets naked pictures of them. The trendy new cellphone chat system, Mxit, is …