5 Reasons Why You Should Use Firefox Web Browser

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Most Internet users do not pay attention to the web browser they use. This app comes preinstalled on most devices, whehter it’s a laptop or a smartphone. The purpose of a web browser is to allow to do exactly what it’s name says, browse the Web. In this blog I want to you remind of …


Earth Hour

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All South Africans residents and visitors are encouraged to participate in Earth Hour on Saturday 27 March 2010 by switching off all lights for one hour, between 8.30pm and 9.30pm. Earth Hour is a WWF initiative and is a symbolic act aimed at creating awareness that climate change threatens lives, livelihoods and lifestyles and galvanizing …


2005 Online Dating survey explores Sexual Behaviour of South Africans

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The 2005 Online Dating Survey which launches today explores how the Internet is changing the sexual behaviour of South Africans. NETucation, the company behind the online dating research is the leading BEE Internet research company and studies the behaviour of South Africans using the Internet. “Now that we understand the basics of how and why …