How To Manage Your Digital Afterlife

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If the psychologist Carl Jung was alive today, he may have said, your digital world is your shadow. In many ways it’s the best representation of your personality and your aspirations because of its interactive nature. When you misrepresent yourself, you’re bound to receive feedback pointing this out. Twitter streams are like a public journals …


#edchat Join Weekly Twitter Chat on Education

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A twitter chat for the South African education community takes place fromĀ 20h30 to 21h30 each Monday evening GMT+2. Private school teachers and public schools teachers have an open conversation about children, teaching, learning and technology. To vote for your choice of topic for the coming week, please head over to #edchatsa website and add your …


Top 10 Motivational Speakers on Twitter

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There is one sure way to get people attention, and that is to compare them to others in their industry or sector. A recent controversy spawned this list. In 2011 I experimented with various SEO techniques. SEO is the science of optimising web pages to rank higher in search engines like Google or Bing. For …


Joburg Tweetups launches on Youth Day

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This Youth Day the first ever Joburg Tweetup takes place in Soweto. The event hosted by Internet evangelist, Ramon Thomas, takes place on Saturday, June 16 at the renowned Wandies Place starting 1pm. We invite you to join this special occasion, raising awareness of the extraordinary power of social media among to youth of South …


Social media tools

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There are plenty of social media tools that can be used in the different social media internet sites. These social media tools were set up to be used to enhance the different activities that one can do in these websites. There are tools that provide and edit pictures, video and audio files. Some social media …