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Back in Johannesburg

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So I’ve been on a short break and I went to the windy city Port Elizabeth on Easter Saturday. I was hoping to cash in on the influx of people during the Easter Weekend and when I arrived the weather was kak. No anyone who’s ever been to Port Elizabeth know its a small city by comparison to Johanneburg or Cape Town and not to much happens. The people are easy going and in most cases you can get around pretty quickly as things are closer in distance. The social life and the nightlife has become an unknown for me.

The only redeeming experience was spending a few hours on the campus of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. As far as I could understand this is the old University of Port Elizabeth campus. And boy oh boy did I realise once again that university campuses must the best place to meet young energetic women. I had a grand tour from my friend Greig Timkoe from Peacemakers Conflict Management who’s also a Ph.D student at the university. Greig is sitting on a gold mine of oppertunities and I can’t wait to start my Masters later this year at the University of Johannesburg so I can have regular access to the campus. So yes I had a dry spell because I didn’t meet any new women that I’m doing to date or have sex with but there is a sign there that I can and should find more time to spend at university campuses in Gauteng. The women at these institutions tend to be intelligent, full of energy and goal oriented and flexible because they are always up for a challange. Women and men in general who do not continue their studies after high school lack a certain will power or rather determinination. And then you have Bill Gates who dropped out from university. The whole idea for me is that it helps to get rid of people who would be disqualified on many other criteria when seeking a potential partner who has wants to get more life and is willing to do something about it and not expect handouts.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.