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Today iWeek 2006 kicks off with a bang. Mark Shuttleworth is making a first ever guest speaking appearance at this annual Internet industry event. The conference was moved to The Castle, Kyalami, north of Sandton, this year. The purpose is to discuss trends and development of the Internet industry. Greg Massel, ISPA co-Chairman opened the first session by asking the participants a question relating to the importance internet, he said “imagine a world without the internet”-what will this information Age look like, would it then be called as such – could the words global village, information haves and have not, digital divide and others be used the same way they are being used?Equally important, Massel remarked of the idea of an “inclusive and open spirit of the internet” as the driving force behind the conception of the Internet as we know it today. Which began as a self-regulated industry but as the population of internet users grew more formulation of policies emerged.
If you are an entrepreneur looking for financing contact Mark’s company HBD Venture Capital in Cape Town, South Africa.