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cheaper Broadband for Academics

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Treveor Manuel has announced a new initiative to offer cheaper broadband to Academics to facilitate and foster research. This is really something which government has been slow to address. Broadband should be available at discounted rates to students and especially for postgraduagte students. When they are not on campus they have to access the Internet using their own resources. Just today as Honours student came to our offices to discuss some part time research and writing work. However, he access the internet using a dial-up. And this is horribly slow. To really be productive as researchers we need the fastest possible connections. And it is our opinion that a special network is unecessary. The better approach is to offer subsidy to registered postgraduate students at all universities. Say for example a 50% discount on the ADSL or other broadband offering would be a tremendous step in the right direction. And even if these students are part-time like the typical MBA student or a studying through UNISA the same rules should apply.

Anyway here’s a story about the government’s steps toward cheaper broadband for Academics.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.