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Lessons from Steve Jobs on making a excellent pitch in your Presentation

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Today I learnt via the TED Blog about a great column on Steve Jobs’ presentations skills. The basics of it include the following factors:

  1. Building tension
  2. Stick to one theme per slide
  3. Add pizazz to your delivery
  4. Practise
  5. Be honest and show enthusiasm

Go directly to the Business Week column here. And you can watch the speech directly from this link on Apple’s website. I watched the first 10 to 15 minutes of this presentation and the response from the audience is awesome. If you are in need of improving your Powerpoint/Presentations skills start by downloading Seth Godin‘s free ebook Really Bad Powerpoint. And if you are looking for speaker for your conference or company view my Speaker Profile here.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.