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TED Fellow will be held for the first time in India this November

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-TEDIndia invites applications from Indian trailblazers for TED Fellows program-

The future beckons’ is being held in India for the first time ever from 4-7 November 2009, at the Infosys Campus in Mysore. What makes TEDIndia extra-special is, that the TED Fellows program will include a group of 100 innovators from India and South Asia who have shown unusual accomplishment and exceptional courage. These young world-changers will get the opportunity to become a part of the TED community which will help amplify the impact of their remarkable projects and activities.

Lakshmi Pratury, Co-Host of TEDIndia 2009, considers the TED Fellows program to be an intrinsic part of the spirit of TEDIndia, stating “There is a tremendous surge of innovation at the grassroots in India. People are redefining culture, economy, society, technology and the intersection of these is creating new and empowering models of growth. TEDIndia Fellows program seeks to support Indian innovators who, in Gandhiji’s words, are being the change they want to see in the world.”

The TED Fellows program will draw insights from many disciplines that reflect the diversity of TED’s mission: technology, entertainment, design, the sciences, the humanities, the arts, NGOs, business and more. The gamut of activities that a TEDIndia fellows could be involved in include, access to education via the internet in rural areas: mobile rural healthcare networks; low cost solar power; preservers of Indian’s living heritage – across art, language, wildlife and nature; empowering underprivileged youth through education that helps them excel at competitive exams; financial literacy and business training for underprivileged women, social enterprise etc. This list is only indicative and can be increased in scope.

The TEDIndia Fellows program seeks next-gen innovators who have demonstrated remarkable accomplishments and outstanding potential to positively be the change in the world. The profile of the next-gen innovators sought by TED Fellows include those who are notably curious, passionate, open-minded and have done something fascinating for their community. They’re people who have created an idea that can change the lives of millions.

The deadline for applications for TEDIndia Fellows is June 15, 2009. The application form for TED Fellowship is available on the TED site.

TEDIndia Fellows program hopes to represent the diverse and exciting nature of innovation from the frontlines of change in India.

For further information please contact
Sushmita Bandopadhyay Celna Chacko
Perfect Relations Perfect Relations
Mobile: +91 9818267532 Mobile:

Notes to the Editor:
TEDIndia Fellows program
Closing date for applications June 15, 2009

Who should apply?

We are looking for an eclectic, heterogeneous group of young thinkers and doers from the fields of technology, entertainment, design, the sciences, engineering, humanities, the arts, economics, business, journalism, entrepreneurship and NGOs. At TED, we can take risks on unconventional innovators. We value achievement over credentials — making and doing over merely talking.

How to apply

To apply to become a TED Fellow, please complete the application form in its entirety. (http://www.ted.com/fellows/apply). Before beginning the application, please review the applications tips and terms and conditions.

In addition to basic details [e.g. individuals 21-40 years] and contact information, the application asks applicants to upload their photo, answer essay questions and provide three references — one of whom must submit a completed confidential reference form. Applications must be received complete and on time to be considered.

How it works:
1. Candidates apply to attend one conference.
2. Individuals can apply directly or be nominated by others. We’ll also directly recruit potential Fellows and invite them to apply.
3. At TEDIndia we will bring 100 Fellows together from around the subcontinent and beyond.
4. Working with the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, we plan to establish a follow-up network and Fellows meeting.

Benefits to Fellows

• Attendance to one TED or TEDGlobal Conference with all expenses paid (conference, travel, room and board)
• Participation in Fellows pre-conference activities
• Private social networking on TED.com
• Potential to speak on the TED Fellows or TED University stage
• Potential to have that talk posted on TED.com

Responsibilities of Fellows
• Full attendance and participation at the Conference
• Submission of a post-conference report
• Regular posting on the TED Fellows Blog

Connect with TED: Become a member at TED website, Facebook, Linkedin
Twitter: @TED, @TEDtalks, @TEDchris, @tedx, @TEDindia

Contact: tedindia@ted.com

TED video links:

TED Talks, YouTube,
Flickr, TED Indian Fellows video, Apna tube, Big Adda, Ibibo.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

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