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Joburg Internet Cafe workshop postponed

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Nelson Mandela Square, Sandton CityDue to unforeseen circumstances I’ve been forced to move the date of the next Internet Cafe workshop schedules for this Saturday. The primary reason for this is that I’ve been on a short break in Uitenhage and on Sunday missed my flight back to Johannesburg. My car has been parked at OR Tambo airport for 3 weeks and I have to drive directly to Rustenburg from Tuesday till Thursday to deliver 7 talks to parents, teachers and children at Selly Park Convent Primary School, Selly Park High School, Fields College Primary School. Fields College High School and Lebone II.

So the new date is Thursday, 18 March 9am-5pm. And the venue remains Sandton Library on Nelson Mandela Square. Any queries? Please post your questions below as comments. More updates will be posted on this announcement.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

5 replies on “Joburg Internet Cafe workshop postponed”

  1. Pingback: Ramon Thomas
  2. If I understand well you mean the workshop for this saterday the 27th February has been moved to the 18th March 2010. This is an inconvenience to those of us who are working 8-5 job Ramon, weekend was preferable good?

  3. Edwin thats understandable, it is a challenge to fine new date that suits everyone. To all attendees I am please to inform you that from today will be in charge of all operational requirements for this promising event, each an every one of us is important in making this event as interactive and inclusive as possible.

  4. Dear Phuti, will u manage to attend?Maybe we can strike a deal whereby we share information since it looks like I wont make it.

    What do u think?

  5. Hi Ramon. I was wondering if by any chance you would have recorded videos for the workshop that I can buy after the workshop since i won’t be able to make it on the 18th


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