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Winter Whiskey Tweetup tonight

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The tweetup tonight is in only a few hours (7:30 pm) at Katzy’s, Rosebank. There is a free snacks for you and your tweeple, so please tell your followers to come. If you haven’t decided yet what to do tonight, come with a friend… its a great setting:

Whiskey, Wine, Beer, and Spirits… good people, can’t wait to see and meet you all. Katzy’s is great live music venue. Entrance is free tonight!

The Tweetup is more than just followers on twitter, its meeting new people face-to-face, networking with regards to similar interests and complimenting strengths and businesses.

telana one matchstickone matchstick
5 years ago Telana started trading up in value from a single matchstick and is aiming for offices to help start-up entrepreneurs.  She has made nine trades so far and her current trade involves selling 375 Springleap T-shirts, of which she has 53 left.  She is looking for ways and ideas to reach people who will trade with her for one of her Tshirts, so she can finish her tenth trade.  Maybe we can help her @Telena

Come connect with us tonight, if you haven’t already RSVPed, I encourage you to join us. If you can’t make it, please tweet and tell your friends to come, its always nice to have new faces and a nice crowd out.

reuel leach wemenology authorwemenology
Reuel Leach will give a short talk on his new book: Wemenology: a Study of the Women by a Male inspired by desperate women. In this day and AGE when men have stopped listening to women there is a need created to fill in that GAP. Men say they don’t understand women. Its a lie. They can, they will. If they stop thinking with their minds and more with their hearts they will enter in to a new realm of enlightment. Follow him @Wemenology

We have 59 RSVPs this evening, so it should be a great night!

Thanks for all of your support.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.

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