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In high traffic areas, presenting your business message can help fish out more customers and prospects. This is the basic premise that underpins advertising, but is also a concept that can be taken a stage further with promotion through banner stands. Whether in your office, on the road or at events and trade shows, banner stands can pop up in an instant to tell the world who you are and what you do. With the right design, your banner stands can even start the conversion process for you, piquing interest in what you have to offer and helping start conversations that might result in sales later down the line.
It is not enough to simply have a banner stand in place at Cape Town or Sandton Convention Centre. Too many businesses simply order a standard display and hope for the best. This approach misses the point of effective, conversion-optimized design, and there are real ways in which you can make your displays and your graphics work more effectively for your business aims. Bold, eye-catching designs that present the right information for your prospects will work most successfully. But how can you secure these, and what are the best ways of ensuring their effectiveness?
Banner stands can be found easily online – check out bannerstandpros.com as one example. The quality of the stand matters, and you should strive for a design that makes your stand look visually impressive and as classy as possible. Even for brands that are targeting more price-sensitive ends of the market, investing in the quality of the display is essential for giving off the right impression at the first chance of asking.
The actual content of the design of your stand will have a big impact on how successfully you perform on the day. Engagement is the key word, and you need to captivate the interest of potential prospects at a glance. This means that visually arresting design that is bold, clear and pronounced in its messaging tends to work best. You need a graphic that informs and encourages further discussion – this will give you the best chance of opening channels of communication with those who might eventually buy from you.
While banner stands can make a big difference to the effectiveness of your marketing, it is in sales where the results will crystallize. The banner stand needs to attract attention and start conversations, while your approach and techniques for selling should help close out the deal. This means engaging prospects in conversation, and discussing how you can be of assistance to them. The combination of eye-catching graphics and a solid sales approach can lead to much more significant results from high-traffic events.
Banner stands can help generate the interest that ultimately leads to sales. While banner stands alone cannot deliver results, they are a crucial part of a wider events marketing approach. Securing the right banner stand with the right design is the first step, but from there it is up to you to make sure you are using the most effective sales techniques to close potential prospects and build profitable relationships for your business.