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Gemma Chan Humans Robot SynthRecently I’ve been watching a new TV series from the UK, Humans. It shows an all too familiar future where robots (or Synths as they’re called in this show) are meant to aid humans in their daily lives with mundane tasks. Far away is the future predicted by Blade Runner, et al where AI robots are doing the dangerous jobs humans cannot do in outer space.

Where does this leave us? Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? I don’t know but it seems the the Overlords of our Entertainment industry certainly believe we are incapable of helping ourselves.

We live in a world that’s dominated by superhero stories. They are the modern incarnations of the ancient gods from myths and legends. They have powers beyond normal human being and sometimes they have some character flaws, usually those who are more human.

You cannot look at any cinema and not see a new action-packed story about some superhero you’ve never heard of before. For example, who’s ever heard of Ant-Man besides some geeks or nerds who actually read comic books? This year we will see the Batman vs Superman and other stories regurgitated from Hollywood.

Every year that goes by there seems to be less and less original stories. Every story is now being told in trilogies. So how can we relate to these superheroes? So much of these stories seem to be mindless action and special effects. There seems very little morality as compared to the legends of Zeus or Hercules. In the multi-verses created by the story tellers with time travel and other gimmicks the stories become so difficult to comprehend let alone relate to other people.

The shared experience is after all how you hypnotize a whole planet. What bothers me is the question of humanity. Superman is the all-powerful alien boy who landed on Earth, and supposedly due to his small-town upbringing in middle America, doesn’t become a tyrant who wants to subjugate all of humanity to his whim. Yes, for every Superman there must be a Lex Luthor.

A reflection on human nature and its maybe superhero stories are supposed to be the antidote to our biggest weakness as humans: fear, greed, etc. Superheroes are above such humanity, even Batman who is in fact just a very smart and rich man, dressed up in a costume.

So do we really seek saviours from other planets or our own? When do we learn to save ourselves from the learned helplessness? The story of Prometheus Revealed as told by Jon Rappoport had a profound impact on my thinking about gods, saviours and superheroes.

Inside of every human being is an unlimited imagination. Consciousness has no boundaries and is not centred inside our brains. The vast majority of history shows a clear determination of the elites who rule on our behalf working towards a control, a limitation on the unbounded imagination.



Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.