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Meeting Claudia Henkel, Miss South Africa 2004

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Claudia HenkelLast Thursday I was invited to a LG launch for a cool new cellphone at the Fashion Cafe in Sandton City, close to the back of the MichelAngelo. Now I’ve always heard about this joint but never been there before. Its a damn classy joint. And the women are awesome. The music is great and its not a big joint. Its about the same size as Moloko in Rosebank.

I went with my friend, Leonora, a 35 year old with a lot of spunk. She’s an awesome pivot in these kinds of situations. The weather is really cold as you know and this doesn’t really make it too enjoyable when going out.

Anyway there was some really attractive women that I spotted and I waited patiently. Warming up with conversation with my friend. Teasing her and busting on her to prepare myself for the assault on the HB’s at the venue.

Claudia Henkel arrived with no real fan faire. She had another tall blonde friend. At the bar I saw them popping their heads left, right and no guys coming up and talking to them. About 10m later I went up to introduce myself. I left them and went back to what I was doing. A few other things happened and I was having a great time talking to other women and just watching things unfold.

One photographer had taken a photo of me and my friend Leo. And another one came up to me later asking if I wanted more photos taken. So I said only if I could find Claudia. Well I couldn’t find her immediately. And that’s not difficult to realise because she is (wearing high heels) slightly taller than my 1.85m! I found some other girls and just got them to surround me….social proof gentlemen…! One complained that she hopes her boyfriend doesn’t see this photo. Who gives a sh*t if he is not there.

I walked away…saw Claudia. Went up to her friend, Jessica, and told her they must take a photo with me. They came together and I suppose wanted me to stand to the side of one of them. Very quickly I ducked under their arms and positioned myself in the middle. I put my arms around them both, Jessica or whatever her name was on the left and Claudia on the right. This was damn intimidating but I didn’t flinch!!

Claudia actually came in closer and leaned in with her face right against mine. This was just terrific and the photographer got two shots. My PA, who got me invited is organising the photos as we speak. So I’ll be posting them shortly on my BLOG

update – I never received those photos from Tracy who was co-ordinating the event on behalf of LG. I have since met Claudia twice and it’s only a matter of time before we bump into each other once again.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.