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MyADSL Broadband Conference on 24 November 2006 at Vodaworld

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MyADSL logoThis is short notice but this may be of interest to you or someone else you know. I’ve already booked my seat for this event.

The 2nd annual MyADSL Broadband Conference is happening this Friday. I attended last years conference and was very impressed with the quality of the speakers and the number of industry insiders who attended. I always use these opportunities to expand my network and you can be they will all receive my LinkedIn invitations afterwards 😉

This year’s MyADSL Broadband Conference will be held at Vodaworld on the 24th of November from 12:00 – 18:00. Speakers from Vodacom, Neotel, iBurst, Sentech, DataPro, Neology and others will shed some light on what is in store for broadband consumers in future.

The conference is Free for all delegates registering before or on 20 November, so please book your seat today here. The full conference brochure is available here. And if you have not seen the latest broadband report yet, be sure to download it it here.


Published by Ramon Thomas

RJ Thomas is an International Relationship Builder. He was born in South Africa, and moved to China in 2013.